The Rector Awarded Plaques and Certificates to The Lecturers Honoured with The Titles of Honorary Professor of UNWE and Professor Emeritus of UNWE As Well As to The New Professors and Associate Professors

Tuesday, 20 December 2016 11:10

You are viewing photos from The Rector Awarded Plaques and Certificates to The Lecturers Honoured with The Titles of Honorary Professor of UNWE and Professor Emeritus of UNWE As Well As to The New Professors and Associate Professors

View the full text of The Rector Awarded Plaques and Certificates to The Lecturers Honoured with The Titles of Honorary Professor of UNWE and Professor Emeritus of UNWE As Well As to The New Professors and Associate Professors

The Certificate of Professor was awarded also to Prof. Dr. Yordanka Statteva, International Economic Relations and Business Department, Prof. Violeta Mutafchieva, Head of the Economics of Transport and Energy Department, Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova-Boshnakova, Management Department, Prof. Dr. Galina Mladenova, Marketing and Strategic Planning Department, Director of the Marketing Center, Prof. Dr. Pencho Ivanov, Head of the Marketing and Strategic Planning Department and Prof. Dr. Hristo Katrandzhiev, Deputy Head of the Marketing and Strategic Planning Department and Secretary General for Distance Learning.

The Certificate of Professor was awarded also to Prof. Dr. Yordanka Statteva, International Economic Relations and Business Department, Prof. Violeta Mutafchieva, Head of the Economics of Transport and Energy Department, Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova-Boshnakova, Management Department, Prof. Dr. Galina Mladenova, Marketing and Strategic Planning Department, Director of the Marketing Center, Prof. Dr. Pencho Ivanov, Head of the Marketing and Strategic Planning Department and Prof. Dr. Hristo Katrandzhiev, Deputy Head of the Marketing and Strategic Planning Department and Secretary General for Distance Learning.


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