Students Visited DHL Express Bulgaria

Monday, 16 May 2016 17:55

Third year students from the speciality Business Economics and Industrial Business visited DHL Express Bulgaria. The event was organized by the Center for Business Competences Development at Industrial Business Department. Students were accompanied by Assist. Dr. Petya Biolcheva.

The third year students

At the DHL Express Bulgaria students listened to a lecture about the innovations of the company, its development in global case, the policy regarding the innovative ideas in the field of environmental protection, usefulness of resources, innovations in technologies for facilities and deliveries and even in the partnership with world fashion events. It was presented also the idea of the company for future deliveries to unaccessible areas using drones.    

The students visited also the operative delivery hall of DHL Express Bulgaria where they examined the work of reception and processing the parcels.

During the lecture

The last stop of the visit was the auto park where students knew about the process of delivering the parcels. The students were offered an opportunity of career development in the internship programme of DHL Express Bulgaria.

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