The UNWE General Assembly Approved the Annual Report of the Rector and the Report of the Control Council

Wednesday, 18 December 2024 18:15

The General Assembly of the University of National and World Economy unanimously approved and highly appreciated both the Annual Report of the Rector on the status and results of the activities of the UNWE for the period December 2023 - December 2024 and the Report on the activities of the Control Council for the same period. The General Assembly also adopted some amendments to the UNWE Activity Rules.

In the opening of the Annual Forum took part the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev, Chairman of the General Assembly, Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschian, Chairman of the Control Council, and Ilian Chabukliysky, Chairman of the UNWE Student Council.

Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Prof. Daniela Feschiyan, Ilian Chabukliysky

Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov welcomed the delegates of the General Assembly and pointed out: "This is a moment when we can look with pride at what we have achieved, because we have seen an unprecedented growth of interest in the UNWE. 7179 students have chosen our university in situation of an overall declining number of applicants. The competition among the prospective students is increasing. Against the background of absolutely free admission in many universities at the UNWE 2.5 people compete for one place. Through competitions, contests and matriculation test exams we gather the most talented and motivated students, proof of the high public confidence in us. The UNWE received the highest score - 9.80 - from the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) among all Bulgarian universities. It is the most important attestation of the quality of education in the respective higher education institution. I am proud that the whole university is already involved in the whole year-round application campaign". The Rector emphasized that the UNWE is one of the four Bulgarian universities, the only economic among them, included in the prestigious ranking of European universities QS World University Rankings. He noted that the UNWE has expanded its partnerships with leading universities and research centers around the world which provides new opportunities for exchange of students and lecturers as well as for participation in joint projects. At the moment there are 501 foreign students studying at the UNWE. During the reporting period a significant number of scientific papers were published in prestigious international journals. The university researchers have participated in numerous European and national projects. "We have actively participated in sustainability initiatives and community causes that highlight our responsibility to future generations. The UNWE has two photovoltaic parks and it was the first “smart university’ to build its own energy efficiency system, and now meets more than 50 per 100 of its energy demands through its own energy sources. Already 70 per cent of the UNWE's dormitories have been renovated", said the Rector. He added that the business partners support the University and provide opportunities to improve the learning environment and gave as an example the cozy shared spaces built and donated to the student and academic community of UNWE. At the end of his presentation he emphasized that all the achievements would have been impossible without the dedication, professionalism and efforts of the lecturers, employees and students of the University. "Thank you for your trust and your contribution to the establishment of the UNWE as a symbol of quality and sustainability", addressed to the audience the Rector.

Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschian, Chairperson of the Control Council /CC/, presented the Report on the activities of the Control Council for the period December 2023 - December 2024 and explained that the work done has covered two areas - the implementation of the obligations of the CC under the Higher Education Act, the Law on Academic Staff Development, the UNWE Activity Rules and the Control Council Activity Rules. The second area is in the organization of the control activities in terms of developing methodological materials to support the work of the collective governing bodies of the University. Regarding the first direction, the Control Council has carried out more than 56 checks on the legality of elections of single and collective management bodies of the University, of general assemblies of the UNWE Faculties, as well as on the legality of the implementation of the budget of the UNWE during the pointed period. Regarding the second direction, the Control Council has developed, published on its website and made available for use updated methodological materials to support the work of the collective governing bodies not only at the UNWE, but also at other universities in the country. It is important to note that the UNWE Control Council has also gained exceptional national confidence - three universities in the country have requested its opinions on their activities.

"The Control Council does not just control, we have long acted as partners providing in-depth analysis to the Rector's Management and the Academic Council in order to support the effective management of public funds at the University, the legality of elections and any other cases related to the control activities. In fact, we have always tried to act preventively. We are a partner that first educates and after that requires. We are guided by the understanding that discussing the problem in advance, providing assistance for its solution is much more effective", said Prof. Dr. Daniela Feschian, outlining that during the reporting period the Control Council has focused in its activities again on its preventive control functions and have prioritized to support the work of the authorities and persons in their activities which are subject of control.

"It is evident from the exhibitions so far that the UNWE is a complex, delicate, resilient organism that is constantly evolving. Within this evolution, not everything depends on the UNWE, but what depends is done, and it is done in a good direction", said Prof. D.Sc. Pencho Penchev. He expressed thankfulness to all those who participated in the organization of the General Assembly for the excellent coordination and wished the lecturers, employees and students a bright Christmas and New Year holidays.

The Annual Report of the Rector and the Report of the Control Council were adopted with unanimous approval

"Over the last year, we as a Student Council have been actively engaged in the development of numerous initiatives and policies that have been aimed at improving the academic and social lives of students. It is our responsibility to be the voice of the students and to advocate for their interests and rights both within the University and in the community", said Ilian Chabukliysky and presented the events and initiatives organized by the Student Council in the past year.

The Vice Rector for Research Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova presented the proposals for amendment and supplement to the UNWE Activity Rules. She clarified that the changes are related to an amendment in Art. 21, par. 7 of the Higher Education Act in relation to the forms of Doctoral studies. "In the Law on Development of Academic Staff in the Republic of Bulgaria it is described that these are PhD students under Art. 21, par. 7, so we have named them "project Doctoral studies". We believe that these changes give us a great opportunity to apply for various programmes", said Assoc. Prof. Vodenicharova and invited the attendees to a conference on the occasion of the two projects won by the UNWE in connection to the development of the project Doctoral studies.

The proposals for amendments and additions to the UNWE Activity Rules were also unanimously approved by the General Assembly.

Traditionally, the Forum started with the three anthems - the National, the European and the Student anthem.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Hristozov, Vice Rector for International Affairs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova, Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice Rector for Educational Activities, Prof. Dr. Tsvetana Stoyanova, Vice Rector for Institutional and Business Cooperation and Student Policies, Dr. Gergana Kirilova, Director of Rector's Office 

The Mandate Commission chaired by Prof. Dr. Snezhana Basheva recognized the legitimacy of the quorum.


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