The Decarbonization Process Was Duscussed at International Scientific Forum Held in the University

Thursday, 06 June 2024 18:05

An International Scientific Forum on the Role of Energy Communities in the Decarbonization Process was held at our university. The event was organized by the Scientific Research Center for Energy Business and Infrastructure of UNWE, together with the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Kyoto University, Japan, and the Research Centre on Decarbonization of the SUNOTEC Group, Germany.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Zinoviev, Director of the Centre for Energy Business and Infrastructure and Chairman of the International Organizing Committee, greeted the participants on behalf of the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov and introduced the official guests.

The opening part of the event was attended by Eng. Georgy Samandov, Deputy Minister of Energy and PhD student of UNWE, Prof. Dr. Gian Luca Gregori, Rector of the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Alexander Zahariev, Head of Strategy at SUNOTEC Group and Brian Wilson, Director of the Energy Institute of Colorado State University.

Assoc. Prof. Vladimir Zinoviev, Prof. Alessandro Sinti from the Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Brian Wilson, Eng. Georgy Samandov, Alexander Zahariev, Slavcho Neykov, President of the Institute for Energy Management /from the right to the left/

"The implementation of this event dedicated to the development of energy communities and renewable energy, is an evidence of the commitment and successful cooperation of the international political and academic communities on key challenges of our time, namely the fight against climate change, energy security, diversification of energy sources and reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels", said the Deputy Minister of Energy Eng. Georgy Samandov and added:  "The national renewable energy policy is an essential element of the overall European energy policy on climate change. Its successful implementation is a means to achieve the objectives and priorities of the European Green Pact and the EU's climate neutrality target to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030".

Prof. Dr. Gian Luca Gregori joined the event online. He welcomed the participants, outlined the importance of the topic of the Forum in the context of the green transition and energy transformation, and noted that such discussions are necessary because the academic circles could contribute to fin long-lasting solutions for the decarbonization process.

Alexander Zahariev presented the activities of SUNOTEC Group and added that the company is a leader in providing integrated solar solutions to large industrial photovoltaic parks in the European Union.  In addition to these services the SUNOTEC Group provides maintenance and management of solar plants and electricity storage installations for numerous corporate clients, including those in Bulgaria, as well as the important communication with electricity traders to optimize the production, balancing and economic profile of each fleet. He also noted that the world as a whole moves towards electrification because it leads to energy savings.

Brian Wilson pointed out that globally the climate changes have also changed the political focus of countries from energy supply and use to carbon management and reduction and decarbonization. He argued that there is a necessity to find quick solutions for energy transformation and clean energy and hoped that the discussions at the Forum will help in this regard.

The Forum was focused on the issues related to the implementation of the concept of energy communities of technical and administrative nature. During the event approaches to overcome them were also discussed. On a proof of concept basis the economic benefits were analyzed for large-scale development of the vision of energy communities between the municipalities, condominiums, small businesses and the charging infrastructure for electric mobility. Leading scientists with proven experience in the energy sector from the USA, Italy, Japan, Sweden and Bulgaria participated in the panels with presentations and papers.

The event ended with a fruitful discussion.


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