Discussion Forum: From Crisis to Sustainability: Global Challenges and Solutions in Tourism Was Held at the University
The Global Centre for Tourism Sustainability and Crisis Management at UNWE together with the Economics of Tourism Department organized a Discussion Forum: From Crisis to Sustainability: Global Challenges and Solutions in Tourism which was held under the patronage of the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. The event is implemented by the financial support of the Scientific Research Fund at Ministry of Education under contract № KP-06-MNF/40/14.12.23 and by the partnership of Aparthotel Lucky Bansko SPA & Relax and the Bulgarian IT company SSARM. The Forum brought together leading experts, scientists and managers from all over the world to comment on the key issues for the sustainable development of tourism and overcoming crises in the sector.
Prof. Dr. Elenita Velikova, Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Dr. Leah Hamilton, University of Kentucky, USA |
The Rector Prof. Dimitar Dimitrov opened the Forum and welcomed the participants. "The problems and challenges to tourism are not only about the tourism. The climate changes, wars, conflicts and other global issues affect all areas of our lives. The tourism is everywhere - both in cultural attractions and natural resources, and therefore it is important to monitor changes and make sustainable decisions", emphasized Prof. Dimitrov.
"This scientific forum gathers expert opinion, summarizes and synthesizes key issues in the development of the global economy and business, the problems of sustainable development and crisis management", emphasized Prof. Dr. Matilda Alexandrova, Vice-Rector for Educational Activities and added: "All the pillars of the circular economy that integrate the economic growth, social, environmental and green business issues have a key importance for making responsible, forward-looking decisions".
"Leading scholars, experts and managers will discuss today in this room how to overcome the crises in the tourism. They will also discuss topics in the field of logistics and supply chains which is of great interest to me as a specialist in this field", said the Vice-Rector for Research Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Vodenicharova.
Prof. Dr. Elenita Velikova, Director of the Global Centre for Tourism Sustainability and Crisis Management, welcomed the participants in the Discussion Forum and presented the video addresses by Natalia Bayoma, Executive Director of the World Tourism Organization, and Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism of Jamaica. UNWE-Sofia is one of the seven locations in the world where the Global Centre for Tourism Sustainability and Crisis Management operates. The other Network Centers are in Jamaica, Jordan, Kenya, the UK, Spain and Canada. The UNWE Centre is engaged in a range of activities and it is dedicated to creating tools and policies to help the tourism destinations to overcome various crises, conduct research and provide advices.
"The tourism is an engine for the economic prosperity, cultural exchange and environmental protection. However, it is also in a vulnerable state, surrounded by risks such as natural disasters, pandemics or geopolitical tensions. Today we have the privilege to welcome a group of respected scholars and practitioners from 3 continents and 5 countries who will guide the way forward, shed light on innovative strategies for strengthening resilience in crisis conditions", said the main organizer of the Forum Prof. Dr. Eleniita Velikova and introduced the attendees to the objectives of the Global Centre for Tourism Sustainability and Crisis Management at UNWE.
The Discussion Forum was attended by representatives of all Faculties of the University, Deans, Deputy Deans, General Secretaries, Heads of Departments, lecturers and students. In the discussion participated and expressed their opinion on the topic Prof. Dr. Nadia Mironova, Dean of the Management and Administration Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgy Nikolov, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences at UNWE, Prof. Dr. Venelin Boshnakov, Dean of the Applied Informatics and Statistics Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antonia Pencheva, Head of the Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics Department, Prof. Dr. Hristina Nikolova, Head of the Economics of Transport and Energy Department. The participants in the Forum were greeted by Prof. Dr. Mariana Yaneva, Head of the Economics of Tourism Department at UNWE.
Four speakers delivered plenaryreports and shared their valuable experience in the field of sustainable development and responsible tourism. Prof. Dr. Dora Marinova, Sustainable Development Expert at Curtin University's Institute for Sustainable Policies, Australia, presented the theme Food in Polycrisis: Can Tourism Help the Transition to Sustainability?. Prof. Marinova has 400 refereed publications and has guided 75 PhD students to the successful defence of their PhD degree. For the period 1975-2023 Scopus lists her as the top author in Australia and 21st in the world in sustainability. Prof. Dr. Lilia Terzieva spoke on the Tourism Sustainability through Social Entrepreneurship and Collaboration. Prof. Terzieva is Head of the Innovation Networks and Design Research Group at the University of Hague, The Netherlands. Her Research Group is part of the Mission Zero Centre of Expertise and the Faculty of Business, Finance and Marketing. The third plenary report was delivered by Prof. Dr. Simone Splendiani, Professor at the University of Perugia, Italy, and Dr. Leah Hamilton from the University of Kentucky, USA. Its topic was Enhancing the Resilience of Cultural Tourism in Disasters: A Comparative Analysis of Assistance and Recovery Policies for Arts, Heritage and Intangible Culture in the United States and Italy".
The Forum continued with a Round Table Conference with representatives of business, institutions and media, who exchanged ideas and outlined the main challenges facing the modern tourism.
Nikolina Angelkova, a graduate of UNWE, advisor in the Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and former Minister of Tourism, MP in four National Assemblies, emphasized on the key role that the tourism plays in the economic development in each country. He also spoke about the global initiatives being taken to preserve cultural and historical heritage. Prof. Dr. Georgy Rachev from St. Climent Ohridsky University of Sofia, a climatologist, talked about the natural hazards, air protection and the tourism, and Prof. Dr. Miglena Zhijanski, Chair of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Forestry at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, explained the mission of the Institute of Forestry – to conduct fundamental and applied research on forest ecosystems.
Boyan Petrov pointed out the reasons for the Green Key Certificate awarded by Hotel InterContinental Sofia and outlined that it is the first Bulgarian hotel to receive this award which is recognition for excellence in the environmental responsibility and sustainable management in the tourism industry. Prof. Dr. Tonino Pencarelli, lecturer at the University of Urbino, Italy, focused on the good examples from the tour operator business in Italy that actively applies the principles of responsible tourism. Dr. Maria Stoyanova, Tourism Project Manager and Digital Nomad, PhD from the Economics of Tourism Department, spoke in a video address about the latest sustainable tourism projects she works on and the factors behind young people's interest in responsible tourism.
Dr. Daniela Stoeva, founder and manager of Tandem Travel, and Zhivka Popatanasova, journalist, bTV Media Group, took also part in the discussion.
The participants commented on the many crises in the recent years - from natural disasters, through economic downturns, to global pandemics that have negatively impacted the tourism industry.
They discussed the challenges and commented on concrete solutions that will contribute to the long-term positive development of tourism.
Among the most important guests of the Forum were the pupils from Dimitar Talev Vocational High School of Nevrokop, Gotse Delchev town and the students from the Economics of Tourism Department. They took part in the two workshops part of the Forum Programme. The pupils took a tour over the University and were introduced to its main advantages and learning opportunities.
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