Joint Master`s Degree Programmes with Abertay University

Friday, 16 September 2022 13:50

The negotiations for two new joint Master's degree programmes between the UNWE and Abertay University, Scotland, are in their final stage. The representatives of the partner university - Claire MacEchen and Doug Watters were welcomed at the UNWE by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mihail Musov, Vice Rector for Research and International Affairs. In the meeting took part also Assoc. Prof. Yanko Hristozov, Secretary General for International Cooperation, Prof. Hristo Katrandjiev, Head of the Marketing Department, Assoc. Prof. Yovka Bankova and Assoc. Prof. Angel Marchev - lecturers at the UNWE, as well as the students Laura Tsvetkova and Alexander Dorokhin from the specialty Marketing and Strategic Planning in English.

During the meeting

One of the joint programmes will be Master of Business Administration /MBA/ and the other will be Master of Digital Marketing. The programmes are expected to be validated in the following months and to start in the academic year 2023/2024. Teaching will also be jointly and the graduates will receive two diplomas - from the UNWE and from Abertay UnivŠµrsity.

Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov and Claire MacEachen

Assoc. Prof. Mihail Musov and Doug Watters

The colleagues from Abertay University had the opportunity to talk with lecturers and students from the UNWE and to assure in the quality of education and the excellent conditions of the UNWE material facilities.

Assoc.Prof. Yanko Hristozov and the guests from  Abertay UnivŠµrsity

The participants in the meeting

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