Scientific Practical Conference on The Mobility for A Connected World

Friday, 28 October 2016 17:40

Scientific Practical Conference on the Mobility for a Connected World organized by the Economics of Transport and Energy Department was held at the Large Conference Hall of the university. Representatives of science, heads of government structures and experts in the field of transport business participated in the event. The topic of the Scientific Forum was defined as practical and its objective was to analyze and discuss the changes at national level as well as to suggest effective and stable solutions for the problems in the field of transport.

At the opening of the Conference attended Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of UNWE, Ivaylo Moskovsky, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Engineer Petar Mutafchiev, Chairman of the Forum for Balkan Transport and Infrastructure (FBTI), Hristo Hristov, member of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB) and Manager of Discordia company, Ivan Markov, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Engineer Milko Lambrev, Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC), Velik Zanchev, Chairman of the BDZ Board of Directors, etc.

Ivan Markov, Engineer Petar Mutafchiev, Ivaylo Moskovsky, Prof. Statty Stattev, Hristo Hristov, Engineer Milcho Lambrev, Velik Zanchev (from the left to right)

His concept about the work of the Economics of Transport and Energy Department briefly exposed Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Hristo Parvanov, Director of the Center for Energy Business and Infrastructure. He examined the education of students, opportunities for their professional realization in both economic sectors, restructure of the Department, Master`s degree programmes, etc. Prof. Parvanov emphasized on the necessity of publications in international magazines and the use of our good practices in the educational system of foreign universities. As an example he pointed out the monograph about the company Discordia published in Moscow which had become part of the academic programmes of two Russian universities.

In the Large Conference Hall

The Conference was defined as “a unique forum” by the Rector Prof. Statty Stattev who outlined “the large number of business representatives in the hall”. He also qualified the event as an illustrative example of the opening of university science to the practice with the participation of authoritative state institutions.  

Prof. Stattev is greeting the participants in the Forum.

The cooperation between the UNWE and the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications is an example of how the state should work with the universities, declared Statty Stattev.

The Rector awarded to Minister Moskovsky the Commemortaive Medal of Stephan Bobchev – Founder and First Rector of UNWE for his contribution to the cooperation between the university and the Ministry (in the picture below).

Minister Moskovsky awarded as a gift to Prof. Statty Stattev a numismatic collection (in the picture below).

The processes in the sector of transport develop besides the political mandates that`s why the word “sustainability” is a key word for our system, declared Minister Moskovsky. He outlined that Bulgaria had been the only country in Europe located on the crossroad of five transport corridors and the efforts of the country had been oriented to the creation of modern transport and telecommunicating infrastructure. The Minister illustrated the development in the sector giving examples about the implementation of the Operational Programme on Transport, modernization of 500 square kilometers railway lines, construction of Sofia Metro, 260 kilometers highways, etc. He presented to students also the opportunities for career development in one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions in Bulgaria – Air Transport Manager.

Participants in the Forum

In the Golden Book of UNWE Ivaylo Moskovsky wrote: “With a great respect to the institution – University of National and World Economy which is one the real smithies of professionals in the country”. He expressed his pride for being an alumnus of UNWE and wished the University Managing Body and the students health and success.

About the effective Balkan transport systems and cooperation between the countries in the region mostly in the field of the railway transport spoke Engineer Petar Mutafchiev. He wished the Conference useful work and expressed his confidence that it would give answers on many actual issues.

Engineer Mutafchiev (on the right) is speaking about the Balkan transport systems

Hristo Hristov presented to attendees the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB) whose members produce more than two thirds of GDP. He reminded that an Agreement of Cooperation between the UNWE and KRIB had been signed not long ago and that the cooperation at a new level would assist the adaptation of education to the dynamic changes. The business needs young people who have the precise knowledge as you, pointed out Hristov.

The ecology effectiveness and the low prime cost of railway transport are factors for its future development, declared the Director General of the National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRIC) Engineer Milcho Lambrev. He examined the completed objects and featured the role of NRIC for the maintenance and building of the railway roads pointing out some important future projects. “I would like to assure you that very soon you will govern a modern, safe and highly technological railway infrastructure. Stay here and invest your knowledge, labour and faith to make Bulgaria well-arranged and prospering. We need you!”, appealed to the students Engineer Lambrev.

Engineer Lambrev (on the right) and Hristo Hristov

Their own statements to the participants in the Conference presented also the Heads of various sectors in the field of transport and the Managers of transport companies and institutions.

The work of the Conference was organized in four plenary sessions and during it 60 reports were delivered and discussed.

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