Public Lecture on The Dynamics of Socio-Political Processes in The Kurdish Regions of North Syria

Thursday, 13 October 2016 16:35

A public lecture was delivered to students by Dr. Mahmoud Al-Arabo. He has graduated from the UNWE and he is an eminent specialist in the Middle East issues as well as a lecturer in Human Rights, Civil Society and International Organizations at the Salahaddin University in Erbil. The topic of his public lecture was: Dynamics of Socio-Political Processes in the Kurdish Regions of North Syria, Kurdish National Council in Syria (ENKS) – Establishment, Development, Present Status and Processes.

In the Scientific Councils Hall

Dr. Mahmoud Al-Arabo made a retrospection of events in the Middle East – the place which has traditionally become a stage of dynamic political processes. He examined the so called Arabian Spring, changes in the regional balance, possible new subjects, etc. He also marked the processes on the political map featuring the ethno-geographic district of Kurdistan, its territory, population and religion, independent Kurdish government in Iraqi Kurdistan and the situation in the regions of ethnical Kurds in Turkey, Syria and Iran.

The lecturer

The lecturer pointed out also the possible scenarios about Iraq and Syria and the reshape of some countries in the Middle East as he outlined the role of Kurds as an active factor in the region.

Participants in the meeting

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