UNWE Was The Host of Seminar of The National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation

Thursday, 10 March 2016 15:45

UNWE was the host of Seminar of the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation (NAAA). Practical Application of Modern Methodical Directions and Procedures of Assessment and Accreditation, International Activity – Participations in Projects and Trainings was the topic for the Seminar. At the event attended also Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev, Rector of the university and Deputy Chairman of the Rectors Council in Bulgaria.  

Prof. Stattev and Prof. Biolchev are opening the Forum.

Prof. D.Sc.(Phil.) Boyan Biolchev, Chairman of NAAA expressed his thankfulness to Prof. D.Sc.(Econ.) Statty Stattev for the hospitability. Prof. Biolchev examined the objectives of the Forum, the issues of discussion, future reforms in the NAAA as an independent specialized state body providing the accounting and transparency of academic and research activity of the autonomous higher education institutions.  

During the Seminar in the Large Conference Hall

On behalf of the Rectors Council in Bulgaria its Deputy Chairman Prof. Stattev greeted the participants in the Seminar and outlined that it had been an honour for him to accept being the host for the Forum. He reminded about the meeting held in the end of February 2016 between the Rectors of universities, representatives of NAAA, social partners and Meglena Kuneva, Minister of Education and Science and Prof. D.Sc.(Humanities) Nikolay Denkov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science. The Rector emphasized on some actual issues discussed during that meeting.

Today`s Forum is a good motive of being discussed the new changes in the Higher Education Act as well as what changes and criteria in the work of NAAA they will bring. Now it is the moment to work out suggestions for changes in the Chapter for Higher Schools Accreditation in the Higher Education Act and to insert them on behalf of the Rectors Council because no one can do it better than the National Agency of Assessment and Accreditation, outlined Prof. Stattev.

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