The New Academic Year Was Officially Opened

Tuesday, 16 September 2014 12:45

The official ceremony on the opening of the 94th academic year began with the sounds of the national, European and students anthem Gaudeamus igitur. At the presidium the seats were taken by the Rector of the university Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev, the Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Georgy Bliznashky, Prof. Stoyan Stoyanov, Chairman of the General Assembly and Antoan Shotarov, Chairman of the Students Council. At the ceremony in Maxima Aula attended also the Academic Managing Body, lecturers, students, officials and guests.

From the left to the right: Prof. Stoyan Stoyanov, Prof. Georgy Bliznashky, Prof. Statty Stattev, Antoan Shotarov

The Rector greeted the Prime Minister with “Welcome” in the eldest, the most authoritative and the largest economic university in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe. He defined Prof. Bliznashky as “one of us” because he has been a long standing university lecturer, eminent researcher, authoritative constitutionalist and prominent representative of the Bulgarian academic community.

The Rector is opening the new academic year.

Prof. Stattev outlined that the last year was the consecutive successful one for the UNWE despite the hard tests and difficulties. There are a lot of achievements in the academic and scientific research activity, there are a lot of high results in the implementation of national and international projects, pointed out the Rector and emphasized on the increasing interest to the university. In spite of the demographic decline and drastically decreasing number of the secondary school graduates the UNWE succeed to fill its planning admission of 4 200 first year students. “The cooperative efforts, selfless dedication and true commitment of all members of our great academic family for years approved the UNWE as an undisputed leader in the Bulgarian and European educational and research area, as a university which forms the national elite ever since its foundation in 1920”, pointed out Prof. Stattev. According to the data of the National Insurance Institute nearly 87% of the university alumni begin to work in their speciality immediately after their graduation. Alumni and lecturers from the UNWE occupy key positions in the state and local administration and in the business. A few days ago the alumnus and lecturer at the UNWE Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kristalina Georgieva was elected for the European Commission Vice President designated for two important fields – Budget and Human Resources. 

The first year students in Maxima Aula

The Rector wished the first year students to be consistent and ambitious, to acquire knowledge with passion and diligence, to be respectful to their lecturers and to participate actively in the interesting and various life of the university.

Prof. Stattev greeted also the lecturers for their selfless professional efforts and service to the UNWE cause - without them the success would be impossible. He wished also the officials of the university successful work.

The real prosperity of society is built by specialists having a strong civil position, outlined in his greeting speech the Prime Minister Prof. Bliznashky. He reminded about the fact that the UNWE is the largest and the eldest university in Bulgaria and Southeastern Europe. The university continues the long standing traditions of the Bulgarian spirit. The knowledge in the field of economic, financial, administrative and social sciences is a prerequisite for a real competitiveness and worthy integration in the European and world economic area, explicitly said the Prime Minister. He defined the students as “happy people” because they are educated by highly qualified lecturers and approved scientists with national and international recognition. They have not only an undisputable scientific authority but they are also eminent social figures and statesmen, pointed out Prof. Bliznashky. “The actions of your lecturers may refer to the words of Seneca: “You must live for the others if you want to live for yourself”, said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister Prof. Bliznashky

One of the UNWE purposes is to form highly educated persons who meet the standards for professionalism in the conditions of the new times – the times of knowledge and information, pointed out Prof. Bliznashky. He outlined one of the numerous achievements of UNWE – the success of the students of Law who had won the Dillard award for the best Memorial writing in the competition in Washington. He defined their success as an unprecedented. “If we want our modern society to live through we all should share common values and stick to the same rules but when someone deviates from them we should fight together against the corruption and depravity”, appealed the Prime Minister.

At the UNWE I have learnt that the knowledge gives us power, outlined in his greeting speech Antoan Shotarov, Chairman of the Students Council. He revealed to the first year students the key to success – strong spirit, motivation and self-devotion.

Denitsa Mileva, first year student girl with maximum score from the exams for subfield of Finance, Accountancy and Control shared that it is an honour to her to study at the most prestigious university in the country. Learning is like rowing upstream so don`t stop rowing forward, wished her colleagues in the hall the student girl.  

Antoan Shotarov is wishing the first year students success.


The excellent girl Denitsa Mileva

In the Golden Book of UNWE keeping over the years the wishes of the most significant persons the Prime Minister wrote: “135 years ago when the Turnovo constitution had been created and the nationality of our country had been revived for a new economic life, our fathers-establishers had set the foundations of an open and democratic civil society in which all citizens are free and equal to each other. From that time on goes the tradition as a natural criterion for success in life to be seen the education and not the origin or wealth.

That`s why the Bulgarians give all the dearest and most beloved for the education of their children so that they can achieve more than their parents in life. Such a society as a general rule is dynamically developing but sometimes in it happens - what happens in our case – nobody knows his place.

If we want our modern society to live through we all should share common values and stick to the same rules but when someone deviates from them we should fight together against the corruption and depravity.

So, young people, be taught, bold and studiousness – “hungry for knowledge” (as Steve Jobs says) as well as “early-rising” when it is necessary.

Happy new academic year 2014-2015!”  

The Rector is showing the Golden Book of UNWE

Prof. Stattev awarded to the Prime Minister a statuette of Prof. Stephan Bobchev, founder and first Rector of the university.

The statuette for Prof. Bliznashky

Prof. Stattev and Prof. Bliznashky awarded Honorary certificates to the members of the UNWE team who had won the Dillard Award for the best Memorial writing in the JESSUP Competition 2014. It is an unprecedented success – the greatest for Bulgaria – in the most prestigious and the eldest competition in international law in the world, outlined the Rector and the Prime Minister. Our students Victoria Docheva, Ekaterina Dimitrusheva, Ivaylo Dimitrov, Krasimira Ignatova and Trayan Kosev have competed with hundreds of their colleagues from the most prestigious Law Faculties in the world. Certificates were also awarded to their coaches Victor Serafimov and Inna Uchkunova from the International Moot Court Competitions Association (IMCCA).

Honorary Certificates for the coaches and members of the team in Law

After the official ceremony the Rector and the Prime Minister laid wreaths in front of the monument of the founder and first Rector of the university Prof. Stephan Bobchev.

In front of the monument of Prof. Bobchev

After the ceremony all the 4179 first year students met with the Faculty Managing Bodies.

The official ceremony on the opening of the new academic year was broadcasted directly in the Internet.

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