The Rector Opened An International Summer Seminar on Leadership

Monday, 22 July 2013 17:10

I think our university is the right place for this event because it is a natural generator for leaders. Those were the words Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev addressed to the participants in the Leadership Summer School Sofia 2013 (LSS Sofia 2013) at the UNWE. At the opening of the event at the Large Conference Hall attended Prof. Dr. Ognyan Simeonov, First Vice-Rector and Vice-Rector on Training in Educational Qualification Degree of Bachelor, Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Valentin Kisimov, Vice-Rector on Electronic Organization, Maya Todorova, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, presidents and representatives of youth organizations, young leaders – participants in the Seminar. The ten-days training is held for a sixth consecutive year and for the first time in Sofia.

From the right to the left: Lilia Elenkova, President of NYF – Bulgaria, Maya Todorova, Prof. Statty Stattev, Antoan Shotarov, Prof. Ognyan Simeonov, Prof. Valentin Kisimov

Prof. Stattev pointed out that a lot of Bulgarian Prime Ministers among which was also the present one had graduated from our university. It`s a proof that the UNWE generates leaders for the nation. 10 of 200 students prove over the years they can be leaders.

The Rector opened the LSS Sofia 2013 and expressed his confidence the Seminar would contribute to the development of the leadership skills of young people.

Prof. Stattev is greeting the participants in the Summer Seminar.

On behalf of the Minister of Youth and Sports a constructive dialogue and successful collaboration was wished by the Deputy Minister Maya Todorova.

The opportunity of developing the leadership skills in the upcoming training is a challenge to all who wish to upgrade their own potential and the potential of organizations they represent, said in his greeting Antoan Shotarov, Chairman of the Students Council of UNWE.

At the opening of the Summer Seminar

The purpose of LSS Sofia 2013 is to be developed the talents of young leaders from all over the world by the support of a team of professional trainers and to be created a network of active young people who can exchange their experience and invent international projects at international level.

The trainers presented one of the largest students and youth European and world organizations as AEGEE, AIESEC, BEST, EESTEC, EFPSA, EMSA, EPSA, ESTIEM, IAAS, IEEE, IFMSA, KOMISP, etc., as well as the participants in their groups.

The opening of the event was broadcasted live on the Internet.

The major organizer of the Seminar is the AEGEE - the Association of united European students. The biggest partner in the implementation of the event is the UNWE.

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