Training for the Acquisition and Improvement of Digital Skills under the Project on the Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030

Friday, 07 April 2023 19:55

Lecturers from the UNWE will be trained to acquire and improve their digital skills. The training is implemented within the frameworks of the project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 which is funded under the Operational Programme Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020 under the procedure Modernization of Higher Education Institutions.

“Technologies are constantly evolving and we need to keep up with the times and be able to offer new, modern digital content that our students expect and demand from us", said the Rector of UNWE Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov who is also the Head of the project and added: "With the implementation of the planned activities under the project Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 we are making great steps forward towards modernization and digitalization, not only in the learning but also in the teaching process."

“This course is not so technical although there is such a part, the idea is rather to learn to create modern content and make our courses and lectures more digital with the use of various embedded elements and new learning platforms", said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov, Vice Rector for Digitalization and Cybersecurity of UNWE and coordinator of the project.

The Rector Prof. Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov /on the right/, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov /on the left/

The training is implemented by representatives of the company Center for Creative Learning.

Stanislava Dolapchieva, Head of Cloud Services, and Svetlana Mihaylova, Communities and Partnerships Manager at the Centre for Creative Learning are presenting the possibilities of new digital platforms in the learning process /from the left to the right/

Within three days 35 lecturers from the University will participate in the training. For greater efficiency they are divided into two groups in two separate rooms. After completion of the course each participant will be awarded a certificate.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosen Kirilov and Tsvetomira Penkova, Project Administrator

The project BG05M2OP001-2.016-0004-CO1 Economic Education in Bulgaria 2030 is funded under the Operational Programme Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020 under the procedure Modernization of Higher Education Institutions. The project is worth BGN 5 million. UNWE should modify its training, respectively the curricula in Economics and Management, in a way that allows them to be similar to programmes in European universities and applicable in modern business conditions. The updating and modernization will be done in partnership with other regionally leading universities such as D. А. Tsenov Economic Academy - Svishtov, Burgas Free University, National Sports Academy and the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria /KRIB/. Through this cooperation up-to-date curricula based on digitalization will be created and put into practice. 9 digital classrooms and 3 digital laboratories which are an indispensable addition to the modern learning process will be opened. it will enable to be used to maximum extent the sharing of resources, including know-how, between the partner universities and/or between the students and their university lecturers and mentors.

The project relies on the inclusion of a large part of the lecturers involved in its implementation in the programmes for further training and/or short-term specialization in the foreign partners and the share of young scientists should not be less than 15%. It is planned to implement 15 joint programmes with partner Bulgarian universities as well as to introduce 7 new programmes with digital educational content, including distance learning. 2 training programmes in a foreign language will be introduced in cooperation with foreign universities and scientific organizations.

The project will provide support for students to develop entrepreneurial skills and digital creativity. The project will be implemented for 30 months and all of the above will contribute to improving the quality of economics education at UNWE and in Bulgaria as well as to improving the quality of research at UNWE and other partner universities.

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