Lecturer from the UNWE Participated in Scientific Conference on Public Administration

Monday, 28 May 2018 14:50

Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska from the Public Administration Department took part in the traditional Annual Conference of the Network of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration in Central and Eastern Europe (NISPAcee) where the UNWE is an institutional member. The international forum on the Public Administration for Well-being and Growth was held in the period 24 - 26 May in Iasi, Romania. It was organized in partnership with Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. In it took part more than 180 representatives of the academic and professional community of public administration from the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, USA and Asia.

Prof. Polya Katsamunska and John Mary Kauzya (PhD), Chief of Public Service Innovation Branch, Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, New York, United States

Prof. Dr. Polya Katsamunska jointly with Prof. Allan Rosenbaum from Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA worked out and presented a report on the Strengthening Governmental Effectiveness through Improved Public Administration and Training: The United Nations/Iasia Task Force and the Creation of the International Commission on Public Administration Education and Training (ICAPA).

Participants in ΠΆhe Working group on Public Administration

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