Donation Agreement for 1200 Books to The Library in Belokopitovo Village

Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:30

Twenty lecturers and employees, Doctoral students and undergraduates from the UNWE made a donation of 1200 books for recovering the activity of Nadezhda Library in Belokopitovo village, Shoumen region. Partners in the noble initiative are Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shoumen and the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria (USB), Sociological Sciences Section.

Prof. D.Sc. (Econ.) Statty Stattev and Prof. D.Sc.(Soc.) Sonya Ilieva, representative of Mayoralty and University of Shoumen signed the Donation Agreement (in the picture below).

In the initiative took part also Prof. Dr. Valentin Goev, Vice Rector of UNWE, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Stoyanova, Vice Dean of the General Economics Faculty, students volunteers from the specialities Sociology and Economic Sociology of our university.

Prof. Goev, Prof. Ilieva, Prof. Stattev and Assoc. Prof. Stoyanova at the signing of the Agreement

Photo gallery from Donation Agreement for 1200 Books to The Library in Belokopitovo Village ...