Обновено: Friday, 17 July 2015 17:15



1. The full text of the paper has to be no longer than 8 pages, including tables, figures and bibliography.

2. Each author (single or in co-authorship) participate with only one paper that should be presented personally.

3. The papers should be submitted electronically on the e-mail of the conference and during the conference – in paper format and on a CD.

4. The papers can be presented in Bulgarian, English or Russian languages.

5. The title of the paper, the names, scientific position, degree and organization of the author, as well as the abstract and the keywords for the Bulgarian participants – should be both written in Bulgarian and English languages.

6. The papers will be printed on the language they are written.

7. The papers have to be prepared on version Word 2000 or higher at А4 format (about 40 rows per page).

8. The following order should be kept when preparing the papers:

Title of paper

Scientific position, degree, name and family name of the author and author’s organization





9. The following requirements should be kept in the layout of the paper:

Page margins: left – 2,5 cm, right – 2,5 cm, top – 2,5 cm, bottom – 2,5 cm

Font of the main text of the paper: Times New Roman, 12 pt, normal; space: 1,5

Title of the paper: Font Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centered

Page numbers: bottom, centered

Scientific position, degree and organization of the author (placed on the second next row below the paper’s title) - Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered

Abstract (placed on the second next row below the scientific position, degree and organization of the author): Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified

Keywords (placed on the second next row below the Abstract: Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, italic, justified

Headlines: Font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered.

The formulas should be centered and numbered to the right of the page.

The tables and figures should be centered on the page, and their titles should be centered in relation to the same tables and figures.

Below the tables and figures the information sources should be pointed out aligned to the left, typed in Font Times New Roman, 10 pt, normal.

The bibliography should be structured in the following way:

1. Ivanov, P., The Economy of Bulgaria, Stopanstvo Publishing, Sofia, 2010.

2. Clauss, G., Offshore Structures, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2010.

3. Nikolov, K., “Bubbles, Banks and Financial Stability”, Research Bulletin, No. 15, ECB, Spring 2012.

The accepted papers, written according to the above requirements – after a reviewing process by peer review, will be published in Conference Proceedings in a CD-format with an ISBN number. Each participant with a paper will receive the CD with the Conference Proceedings and a Certificate for Participation in the conference.

The time for presenting and discussing papers during the conference is 10 minutes.