Nuclear Security Support Center

Professor from the UNWE Participated in the INSEN Annual Conference in Vienna

Thursday, 24 August 2017 15:24

You are viewing photos from Professor from the UNWE Participated in the INSEN Annual Conference in Vienna

View the full text of Professor from the UNWE Participated in the INSEN Annual Conference in Vienna

The first presentation during the first plenary session was by Prof. Dimitrov and its main topic concerned the successful graduation of the first class of International Master's Degree Programme in Nuclear Security implemented by the UNWE which is the only one in the world.

The first presentation during the first plenary session was by Prof. Dimitrov and its main topic concerned the successful graduation of the first class of International Master's Degree Programme in Nuclear Security implemented by the UNWE which is the only one in the world.


Photo gallery from Professor from the UNWE Participated in the INSEN Annual Conference in Vienna ...