Search results for Mobility



11 results found
Welcome Party Students of Erasmus+ Programme 1/26/2024 ... University Centre for Students and Lecturers Mobility (UCSLM) organizes a Welcome Party for the students of Erasmus+ Programme which will be held on 13 February 2024 at 4.00 p.m. at the shared space of Campus K - UNWE. The programme includes a game for getting to know the University - GET LOSS ...
UNWE Will Host the Expansion of ENGAGE.EU 5/25/2022 ... online training formats and new forms of mobility; new models of collaborative online teaching; strengthening the interdisciplinary approach; introducing micro-qualifications and automatic recognition of exams, etc ...
National Scholarship Programme of Slovak Republic for Students, Lectirers and Reserchers from the Republic of Bulgaria 3/15/2022 ... of the Slovak Republic for the support of mobility of students, PhD students, university teachers, researchers and artists in 2005. The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic (NSP) is funded by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak ...
International Conference on Return Migration: European and Bulgarian Perspectives 1/14/2020 ... segmentation and stratification of labour mobility" will be opened on 28 February at 9.00 a.m. in the Small Conference Hall of UNWE. Publication options: All papers presented at the conference together with the scripts of plenary discussions will be published in an ...
Contest for Personnel Mobility on Erasmus+ Programme 10/14/2016 ... more information click ...
International Students Day at The UNWE 2/28/2014 ... Center for Students and Teachers Mobility are glad to invite you to the International Students’ Day. The initiative will once again gather together international students who have chosen to study at the UNWE as well as students who have come at the university for ...

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5 results found
Seminar 5/4/2012 ... EU Leonardo da Vinci Program, Mobility - 25.02.2009, Sofia ...
Leonardo da Vinci Program - Meeting 5/4/2012 ... da Vinci Program, Mobility: "Intercultural challenges in knowledge transfer in vocational education and training”, Granada, Spain ...
Training seminar 5/4/2012 ... for training and mobility in the EU" 26.09.2008, ...
Seminar 5/4/2012 ... Leonardo da Vinci EU Program, Mobility - 14.07.2008 ...
Regional Training Seminar 5/4/2012 ... Seminar: "Opportunities for training and mobility in the EU” – 06.06 - ...

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