University Centre for Students and Teachers Mobility

Обновено: Wednesday, 22 July 2020 12:10

Students Council

The Students Council is the only statutory body for protection of the general rights and interests of the trainees at Higher Educational Institutions. It consists of the representatives of the students and doctoral students in the General Assembly of the relevant University.
At UNWE the Students Council is constituted as an exponent of the trainees at the University and it has implemented an independent activity since 1991.


Among the Council`s members there are representatives of each speciality and their number is determined by quota principle proportionally to the number of the students and doctoral students at the University. The work of the Students Council at UNWE is organized into three levels - Session of the Students Council, Students Senate and Chairman.


The objectives of the Students Council at UNWE are to protect the principles of voluntariness, equality, efficiency and utility of the higher education as well as the consolidation of the University autonomy.

In this regard a priority attention is given to:

  1. The improvement of the quality of education through intensification of the relation student – lecturer;
  2. The support of the adaptation of Bachelors and Masters programmes at UNWE in line with the European standards;
  3. The establishing and maintaining of active contacts with professional organizations in the sphere of business and public life in order to support the future realization of the students;
  4. The support of the scientific research of doctoral students at UNWE;
  5. The relief of all administrative procedures for the students of UNWE;
  6. The removal of the opportunities for corruption in accommodation at the students dormitories;
  7. The formation of an efficient and transparent system for management and placement of the students at the students dormitories;
  8. The construction of a center for young scientific researchers and doctoral students at UNWE, etc.

The Students Council implements its activity by the active participation of representatives from all the students professional organizations established within the territory of UNWE as well as by the active support of the Managing Body (Rectors and Deans) of the University.

Address for requests and information:

1700 Sofia, "Hr. Botev" Students Town,
UNWE, Room 1009
Tel:/Fax: +359 2 8195 591