Effects of Digitalization on Labor Market Development in Transport Sector in Post- Covid Environment
Author: Petya Koralova-Nozharova
The development of digitalization processes in a post-pandemic environment has the potential to seriously affect the labor market in the transport sector in South- Eastern European countries, which sector is not prepared for such a transformation. An increasing number of transport companies will face the dilemma of keeping their workforce or replacing it with digital devices and robots. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to many small and medium-sized enterprises bankruptcies in the sector, will make it even more difficult for transport companies to remain competitive both on the national and European transport market. Based on statistical and descriptive analysis, the article aims to forecast the emerging trends in the sector and to give recommendations for a smooth transition, considering the specifics of the transport sector in terms of social and technological sustainability. The study identifies the problems, related to the digitalization of the transport sector and reveals the possibilities for their overcoming in regard to road passenger carriages in intercity lines in developing countries with transition economies like Bulgaria.